Voice Biometrics in Banking

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Why Voice Biometrics In Banking Is The Future Of Online Banking Banks have to constantly stay on top of the best methods for authentication to combat online fraud. Traditionally, banks have used knowledge-based authentication methods like PINs, passwords, and one-time passwords. Now, the demand for contactless and seamless technologies has permeated even to banking security, […]

How Voice Biometrics In Healthcare Is Improving Data Privacy & Protection

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The healthcare sector is increasingly embracing technology to solve challenges, especially after the pandemic exposed the strains on the system. Telehealth backed by extensive electronic health records (EHR) is fast becoming the norm; EHR adoption rates are skyrocketing at 89%. But most physicians report that accessing these records is not user-friendly while patients are rightly […]

How Voice Biometrics Authentication Method Works | Gnani

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The Rise of Voice Authentication Biometrics as a Security Solution The COVID-19 outbreak has triggered a world of innovation across various new verticals. Whether it is automation solutions through AI-powered chatbots or setting up remote contact secure offices, technology is facilitating such access changes. Widespread digitization has also increased the scope for accommodating augmented technology […]