Conversational AI – The Change Agent for Lead Gen Strategy in 2021

Conversational AI – The Change Agent for Lead Gen Strategy in 2021

Lead gen is necessary to turn a potential customer into a loyal customer. Every CMO knows that!  A good lead gen strategy will reap long-term profit immensely. You know failing at your lead gen strategy will never let the world know how unique your brand is and will never bring new customers.   And probably the pain of not converting even […]

Technology in Banking: How AI Can Help Prevent NPAs| Gnani

Technology in Banking: How AI Can Help Prevent NPAs| Gnani

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Preventing Non-Performing Assets in Banking Have you ever wondered or asked someone, why do banks become bankrupt if they are the institutions that get the highest deposits of money more than any other industry? Even while adhering to compliance and tons of rules and regulations in lending money, you […]

Why Should Companies Consider Automating CSAT Surveys & Feedback Gathering


Whether a company develops products or provides services, delivery times are speeding up. In this age of competition, not only should customers get their purchases on time, but the customer service experience must also be seamless. This is where the transformational nature of artificial intelligence can be leveraged to drive growth. Customer satisfaction surveys and […]

Conversational AI in Sales: Unlocking Efficiency & Growth|Gnani


Conversational AI In Sales Automation— A Hybrid State Of Modern Business Bots are the new black. They’re taking over our phones, social media feeds, and customer service channels. You can even get them to text you news updates or set reminders about the things that matter most to you.

Why Should Brands Add Voicebot Solutions to Inbound Customer Service

Sales of voice-activated smart speakers exceeded 150 million units in 2020, showing that voice-assistance-based customer experience solutions are now firmly entrenched in the consumer space. The natural next step is to offer inbound customer service via intelligent conversational AI assistants like voicebots. Chatbots are already prevalent with 80% of customers reporting positive interactions. Adding a […]